January 30, 2024

JAN 30, singable satire: Jake Shimabukoro plays "WHILE MY UKE WORDLESSLY SINGS"

 a) Reprise of material posted on January 30 in previous years ...

2020: American satire, the Mooch (illustrated verse)
2021: singable satire, xxxxxxxx,  (parody lyrics) 
2023: singable satire, Global Roasting Can Be Set Aside (parody lyrics)
2022: singable satire, Stem Cells ... (parody lyrics)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... roach), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slides for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Jan 30, 2024)


ORIGINAL SONG: "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" written by George Harrison, and recorded by the Beatles for their 1968 album "The Beatles".         

JAKE'S RENDITION, "While My Uke Wordlessly Sings": Jake Shimabukuro had started playing instrumental ukulele as a band member, but in 2002 broke into a solo career. In 2006, a video of Jake's virtuoso rendition of the Beatles song became one of the first to 'go viral' on that site, and has accumulated 16 million hits. The author of this blog has been privileged to attend three Jake concerts in the last 5 years; recently these have included guitar collaborators and a few vocals, but the emphasis remains on instrumental ukulele. 
PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, January 2019.

SONGLINKS: The parody-lyrics for "While My Uke Wordlessly Sings" with accompanying chords for guitar or ukulele players are found on our lyrics-blog "SILLY SONGS and SATIREHERE
(Giorgio's other satire lyrics substituted to Beatles' songs include "Vonnegut" (Imagine); "Saturday Night" (Yesterday); "Brennan's Tweet" (Let It Be), and "Relic Submarines" (Yellow Submarine).)



George Harrison
(to the tune of "While My Guitar Gently Weeps")

To Jake Shimabukuro I listen enraptured
While his wordless ukulele sings.
I look at his band, the song's spirit they've captured,
Arranged so his ukulele sings.

Hawaiian family that enclosed you
Teach and perform on uke.
Though you don't sing, some force convinced you to 
Play virtuoso uke.

You played with teen bands, then began upward spiral,
Developing a novel style.
And "While My Guitar.." went iconically viral
You did instrumental uke all the while.

Your reputation's undisputed --
The world's saluted you.
On concert tours you speak unmuted,
Ukulele-san, that's you.

I listen enraptured to Jake Shimabukuro
While his wordless ukulele sings.
I look at his band, the song's spirit they've captured,
Arranged so his ukulele sings.

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