a) Reprise of material posted on February 29b/28c in previous years ...
2020: pandemic verse, Kermit's prediction (illustrated poem)
2021: reptiles, fived-lined skinks (illustrated)
2022: singable satire, Palace of Malice (parody lyrics)
2023: singable satire, Let's Do It (guest parody lyrics)
To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... five-lined skinks), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slides for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice.
five-lined skink |
b) Today's Offering (Feb 29b, 2024):
With the recent book “Water” and film “Watermark”, Edward Burtynsky (“Manufactured Landscapes”) has used aerial photography to further document extensive degradation of our planet’s water-resource. As Burtynsky brings a Canadian sensitivity to the issue, I have used a few French words in these lyrics. eaux, water (pl) and haut, high, are pronounced as ‘oh’. autrui, others, and ouïe, ouch! rhyme with ‘see’.
PARODY SONG-LINK: To find ukulele and guitar chord-charts to help you accompany "VIEW of EARTH" on your favorite instrument, click HERE.
(to the tune of "The Book of Love")
To view our Earth is disconcerting;
Dammed place may land up dry as bones;
With overuse and exponential
Expansion of industrial zones.
But, eyes high I spy ......
Icefloes’ demise from polar seas;And eaux-----oh those emotive
Haut-photos of Burty-ynsky’s!
Ice-caps dislodging, likely toasted;
Will flood the coastlines, raise the seas;
Less rain on heights, our food-stores threatened;
Our stewardship’s a travesty.

Water-woes….. we owe to no oneOnly ourselves, not autrui;
Ouïe! unwilling eyes we open
Edward’s lament-landscapes we see.
Parched Colorado River delta
Flow diverted – raise some herds –
Fish and amphibians find no shelter;
Plundered profits, pain deferred.

Manufactured western suburbs,Life floats on dwindling aquifers;
Next door the ancient ghostly remnants
Of cultures faltered, disappeared.
And drought------ no doubt about it
We’re drifting to that turn of things.
What clout ..... to save our offspring ?
- Cherish each drop that wetting wrings.
Our leaders opt for obfuscation
A short-term outlook is obscene-
A final geologic e - ra;
Warm welcome to Anthropocene !
And whoa! ….... those emotive

Views captured by Burty-ynsky!
Decry .…..... and why not try
Avoid our man-made destiny ?
The news from Earth is disconcerting………….