A blogsite offering entertaining oddities since January 2020 at the rate of 30x/month. There are now over sixteen hundred posts in these four years. Images -- poetic, photographic, and computer-simulated -- are drawn from daily life as well as from poems and wordplay grouped by topic on our parent blog "Edifying Nonsense". The poetry displayed is all original (as are the song-lyrics), although portions evolved through rigorous editing on a collaborative website.
March 30, 2021
MAR 30, classic palindrome: 'a Toyota's a Toyota'
March 29, 2021
MAR 29, culinary verse: gyozas (potstickers)
March 28, 2021
MAR 28, savoir-faire: goat cheese (chevre)
March 27, 2021
MAR 27, portraits of couples: white ibis, mute swans
March 26, 2021
MAR 26, mammalian wildlife: woodchucks
Authors' Note: The woodchuck or groundhog is a large squirrel-like animal
You can review the whole collection of illustrated verses about mammals (both domestic and exotic) by checking out the more extensive post on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense". Click HERE !
March 25, 2021
MAR 25, limerick for lovers of classical languages: Greek
March 24, 2021
MAR 24, classic palindrome: 'sex of foxes'
March 23, 2021
MAR 23, doctors and their practices: the colonoscopist
March 22, 2021
MAR 22, classic palindrome: 'madam, I'm Adam'
March 21, 2021
MAR 21, commercial product: furniture protector
March 20, 2021
MAR 20, singable satire: Al Jolson sings "CALI(fornia)"
I’m going back as an old codger,
Cali, how I love ya, how I love ya,
Muni, Muni,
Cali: Fillmore Jazz and Alcatraz,
Muni, Muni,
Cali, here I come, I’ll sing and strum,
March 19, 2021
MAR 19, sleek Greek prefixes: EPI-
March 18, 2021
MAR 18, old world palindromes #17 and #18
You can view the entire collection of 'Old World Palindromes' on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense"; start by clicking here.
March 17, 2021
MAR 17, palinku (poetic novelty): gender-roles
To help the reader discern the origin of the lyrics, each palindrome (generally occupying one of the three lines of the poem) has been color-coded. Generally, these verses have been displayed on this blog at the rate of once monthly.
March 16, 2021
MAR 16, humorists' scurrilous talk: 'the turd'
March 15, 2021
MAR 15, anagram swarms: 'Canada's turn at bat' (North American anagram swarm)
In this treatment, we leave out the national designation (CA) at the end of each destination, coming back to the familiar form of postal address used by Canadians when sending domestic mail. Note that the provinces of Alberta (AB) and British Columbia (BC) can now join in!
March 14, 2021
MAR 14, English literature survey course: "A Connecticut Yankee..." (Twain's novel)
You can review the entire curriculum for our 'English Classics Survey Course' at "Edifying Nonsense" by clicking HERE.
March 13, 2021
MAR 13, waterfowl: black-crowned night herons
March 12, 2021
MAR 12, oncologic verses: facial nerve malfunction
March 11, 2021
MAR 11, diagnostic imaging: ECG-gated SPECT
March 10, 2021
MAR 10, a brief saga (toxic vignettes): workplace pollution
Often the pattern of body sites affected is characteristic, e.g. soot/scrotal cancer, asbestos/lung cancer, radiation/bone marrow cancers, etc. In many countries, the lifetime risk of developing a malignancy is in the order of 25%. A small increase above this background rate would be highly regrettable, but difficult to discern and to distinguish from random variation.
The effects of potentially toxic substances are often not well-characterized. As with other harmful effects, study of the situation during plant operation, and efforts to make all exposure as low as reasonably achievable (a principle known as ALARA) , with the cooperation of workers and management in the process, is critical.
March 9, 2021
MAR 9, funny bones: anatomic snuffbox
March 8, 2021
March 7, 2021
MAR 7, amphibians: southern toad
Authors' Note: The southern toad is found in all of the southern US states except Tennessee, particularly in areas nearer to the coasts. Cranial crests giving rise to skin knobs between the eyes are found most prominently in creatures in the extreme southerly parts of their range, giving rise to the term 'horny toad'; there is no relationship of these paired growths to bony horns found in mammals, or to sexual function. During the summer, high-pitched trilling from congregated males can be near-deafening in low-lying marshy areas where the amphibians breed, and females are duly attracted. Each mating results in thousands of toadlets.
March 6, 2021
March 5, 2021
MAR 5, patients and their maladies: male infertility
You can view these verses in a wider context by proceeding to 'Nurse-Verse: Patients and their Maladies' on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense". Click HERE!
March 4, 2021
MAR 4, anagram swarm: 'R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-A-N V-O-T-E-R-S' -- statewise presentation
March 3, 2021
MAR 3, anagram swarm: national presentation of 'R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-A-N V-O-T-E-R-S'
Stay tuned, and there will be more 'fun-with-anagram' wordplay-maps showing further variants on this theme!
March 2, 2021
MAR 2, wordplay maps: r-i-c anagrams #15+#16
March 1, 2021
MAR 1, 2021: poetic non-sequitur: doggy-bag
Our collection of 'Non-Sequiturs' on our parent blog "Edifying Nonsense", contains an admittedly bizarre assortment of nonsensical odds-and-ends, that don't quite fit into other topic-based offerings. But should you want to review the entire collection, click HERE.