April 30, 2022

APR 30, reprehensible modern history: Crimean War

View the entire collection of poetic assertions on this topic ( at our more encyclopedic blog 'Edifying Nonsense', by clicking HERE.

April 29, 2022

APR 29, defining opinion: gluten sensitivity

Authors' Note:  Celiac disease (also spelled coeliac), is the classic gastrointestinal disease, characterized by poor absorption of nutrients and resultant wasting, that is caused by sensitivity to gluten, a composite of two storage proteins that are found extensively in certain cereal grains. Diseases involving other body systems have also been described even in the absence of the classic GI symptoms. For uncertain reasons, there has been a recent dramatic increase in a less severe but contentious problem referred to as non-celiac gluten sensitivity, whose treatment is the same as for the classic disease, i.e. elimination of sources of gluten from the diet. This type of food intolerance was previously discussed in a brief saga ('"Gino's food intolerance") that you can find HERE.

Our blogpost "Defining Opinion" on the topic-based blog "Edifying Nonsense" shows a collection of similar verses submitted to OEDILF (the online Omnificent English Dictionary iLimerick Form). You can see all of these on one visit by clicking HERE.

April 28, 2022

APR 28, objectionable adjectives: flaccid

Authors' Note: 

 flaccid (FLASS-id or FLAX-id): flabby or limp

You can review our editorially selected doggerel (eight verses) relating to 'Objectionable Adjectives' by clicking HERE.


April 27, 2022

APR 27, planet-saving verse: clean coal

Authors' Note: In the polarized United States, the term denier, sometimes specified as science denier or climate-change denier, is taken to mean a person who denies either the existence or human causation of global warming.
Another discussion of clean coal can be found in an OEDILF verse by contributing editor Dr. Work:

We are led to believe that clean coal
Should be sought as a practical goal:
To store carbon dioxide
Deep under the dockside
Or pumped very deep down a hole.

You can help save the planet by viewing all our verses in this series at "Edifying Nonsense". Click HERE!

April 26, 2022

APR 26, waterfowl: more tranquil views from Swan Lake / Iris Gardens

BTW, should you ever need to log in directly to this blog, its simple address is...


(Just type that into your browser search-line.)

cypress 'knees' abound at the edge of the swamp

black swan, approaching feeder

turtles particularly enjoy the sunny day

"take my advice"

black swan couple, female nesting

whooper swan, outstretched wings

"Y'all come back tomorrow for some more."

And, stay tuned for more reflective pictures tomorrow!

Here is a great website for concise information for identifying waterfowl, (with a British bent), including an expansive photo-gallery: 


April 25, 2022

APR 25, waterfowl: swans at Swan Lake, SC


waterfowl flotilla
Black (Australian) swans, Canada geese, et al

See the post of Feb 21, 2021 on this blog for an illustrated verse about the mute swan.

See this blogpost for Giorgio's recent poetic take on the trumpeter swan

You can review these illustrated verses in a wider context by proceeding to 'Immersible Verse: Limericks about Waterfowl' on the full-service blog 'Edifying Nonsense'. 

Editors' comment: Yes, we finally made it yesterday, to this South Carolina nature-lovers' destination! So, here are a few brief videos to highlight the visit: these feature black-necked swans (South American), a whooper swan (all white, except for yellow bill - Eurasian), and black swans (Australian) ...

More pictures from this iconic site will be available in the next few days! 

To continue daily titillationsBE SURE TO BOOKMARK THIS SITE!

You can review these illustrated verses in a wider context by proceeding to the post 'Immersible Verse: Limericks about Waterfowl' on the full-service blog 'Edifying Nonsense'. Or, if you prefer, you can find most of this stuff in photo-albums on Giorgio's Facebook profile.

April 24, 2022

APR 24, Carolina lowcountry: beach re-engineering


links for any date: scroll over to the calendar-based listings of 'Past Posts' in the righthand column on this page, choose your year and then month of interest, and then select (by clicking) the post of your choice.

pizza delivery boxes in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina,
touting service to 'the Lowcountry'

April 23, 2022

APR 23, binomial phrases: 'hem and haw'

Authors' Note:  The most striking binomial phrases are either alliterative (like  'hem and haw', 'kith and kin'), or rhyming (like 'hither and thither'). The astute reader might realize that 'whence, wherefore and whither' is a TRInomial phrase, a less common entity.  

 To review the poetic effusion that we have accumulated about binomial phrases, proceed to our blog "Edifying Nonsense", and check out the post  'Grandpa Greg's Grammar: Binomial Expressions'. Click HERE ! (Or, if you prefer, you could look over this stuff on Giorgio's Facebook photo-albums.) 

There is also an entire collection of lyrics to patter songs, somewhat older material, dedicated to various kinds of binomials, that provides more didactic material and an extensive series of examples, and allows you to sing these expressions for your own enjoyment, or for that of others around you. Click HERE !

chocolate matzoh pieces (B's Pesach recipe)
See you next year!

incidental photographic portrayal:

'kith and kin'

April 22, 2022

APR 22, pill-poppin' poems: oral hypoglycemics (anti-diabetic pills)

You can view informative verses like this one in a wider context by proceeding to the collection "Pill-Popping Poems (selected pharmaceuticals)" on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense". Click HERE! 

April 21, 2022

APR 21, culinary verse: boiled peanuts (goober peas)

Enjoy viewing Johnny Cash and Burl Ives singing 'Goober Peas' on YouTube by clicking HERE

on-line photo: a nearby establishment in the Carolina lowcountry

Find the collection of illustrated poems dealing with these issues on the post 'Culinary Verse' on our full-service blog 'Edifying Nonsense'. Click HERE!

April 20, 2022

APR 20 (2022), singable satire: The Beatles sing "BRENNAN'S TWEET"

ORIGINAL SONG:  "Let It Be", The Beatles, 1970.

SATIRE COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, March 2019.

PARODY-SONGLINK: To find ukulele and guitar chord-charts to help you accompany "Brennan's Tweet" on your favorite instrument, click HERE.

BACKGROUND INFO: At the height of the concern that President Trump might be tempted to stop the Russia-election-interference investigation by firing Special Counsel Robert Mueller, a tweet by John Brennan on Saturday, March 17, 2018, described in very definite terms the former CIA director's view of the 45th President.


(to the tune of "Let It Be"; the Wikipedia article, as given above shows the details of the tweet. )

When we face a federal crisis 
Former CIA boss' words entreat:
Online words of wisdom, Brennan's tweet.
When FBI's scapegoated
And Executive stance won't retreat,
Posted words of wisdom, Brennan's tweet.

Brennan's tweet, Brennan's tweet,
Brennan's tweet, Brennan's tweet,
Broadcast Twitter wisdom, Brennan's tweet.

And "When we know the full extent
Of your corrupt venality",
That's the introduction: Brennan's tweet.
And with the light that probes
Invoke "disgrace" and "demagoguery".
That's the middle section - Brennan's tweet.

Repeat Chorus:

And he concludes Trump's "rightful place" is
"The dustbin of history"
(Soon we hope - tomorrow): Brennan's tweet.
To wake up from this nightmare,
Special Counsel's probe could set us free.
Echo words of wisdom: Brennan's tweet.

Brennan's tweet, Brennan's tweet,
Brennan's tweet, Brennan's tweet,
Pass torch to Robert Mueller: Brennan's tweet.

April 19, 2022

APR 19, American satire (prolongation): Deceit, social

We hope that you enjoyed this verse. You can find 40 more on this topic in 6 collections on our full-service blog 'Edifying Nonsense'. Click HERE to start! 

April 18, 2022

APR 18, excursions: further afield in South Carolina


Greenville: Falls Park, and the Liberty Bridge over the Reedy

Belltower at Furman University, Paris Mountain in the background



forests of cypress knees

unusually large temperature discrepancy

TO SEE MORE STUFF: To see older or newer material  (posted daily, or at least on most  'good' days), CLICK below the Comments Section, on 'Older Post' or 'Newer Post'.

April 17, 2022

APR 17, palinku (poetic novelty): Paris (France, and ON)


  In this post, we continue with our novel form of poetic wordplay. Inspired by Japanese haiku poetry, this new form is used for a terse verse with a total of 17 syllables displayed on three lines. Unlike its classic Japanese analogue, this concoction does not mandate the precise distribution of the syllables among the three lines, but does stipulate that each word in the poem be included in a palindromic phrase or sentence in English (i.e. one that can be read either forwards or backwards). 

 You can view all our verses of this type if you  proceed with a single click to our more encyclopedic blog "Edifying Nonsense". Click HERE. (Or if you prefer, you can stay on this particular blogsite and look for the offerings for the 17th day of each month -- there are now more than 60 of these.)

Incidental Photo:

JJ. at his younger bro's bar mitzvah celebration

April 16, 2022

APR 16, funny bones: pelvic fractures

BTW, should you ever need to log in directly to this blog, its simple address is... daily.edifyingnonsense.com

(Just type that into your browser search-line.)

Best wishes to all, especially friends and relations, on the occasion of Passover and Easter. And in that regard you can review a poem about the pandemic Passover Seder dinner by clicking HERE.

Authors' Note: 

 post op: medical jargon for 'post-operative' or 'post-operatively’.

   Costs incurred by surgical care in the United States can be devastating. It is, however, unusual for bankers to be consulted directly re the affordability of urgent surgical procedures. 

  Multiple pelvic fractures involving the sacrum and/or pubic rami may accompany major trauma to the lower trunk. These can often be managed conservatively, but instability may mandate surgical fixation.    

You can view verses on this topic in a wider context by proceeding to the post 'Breaking News: FUNNY BONES' on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense". Click HERE! 

links for any date (January 2020 - March 2022): scroll over to the calendar-based listings of 'Past Posts' in the righthand column on this page, choose your month of interest, and then select (by clicking) the post of your choice.

April 15, 2022

APR 15, Carolina lowcountry: pluff mud

scene next to Pitt St Bridge park,
 Mt. Pleasant SC, May 2020.

Readers might be interested in a post highlighting more illustrated nonsense about 'pluff mud' in the form of a brief poetic saga ('The Walrus and the Carpenter, lowcountry version'). Click HERE. 

pizza delivery boxes in Mt. Pleasant South Carolina,
touting service to 'the Lowcountry'

Best wishes to all, especially friends and relations, on the occasion of Passover and Easter. And in that regard you can review a poem about the pandemic Passover seder dinner by clicking HERE