Cowboys have shortened lifespans, and unhealthy lifestyles -
A blogsite that offered 30 entertaining oddities each month from 2020 through 2024, now serving as an archive for 1800 posts accumulated over those five years. Images -- poetic (including song-lyrics), photographic, and computer-simulated -- were drawn from daily life, including work, family, travel and newsreading experiences. Illustrated poems and wordplay grouped by topic can also be found on our ongoing blog "Edifying Nonsense" at edifyingnonsense.net.
links for any date: scroll over to the calendar-based listings of 'Past Posts' in the righthand column on this page, choose your year and then your month of interest, and then select (by clicking) the blogpost of your choice.
You can review our entire collection of poems on the topic of "Limerick Variations" as compiled on our more encyclopedic blog "Edifying Nonsense"; click HERE.
PARODY COMPOSED: Dr. G.H. and Giorgio Coniglio, March 2019.
In this post, we continue with a novel form of poetic wordplay. Inspired by Japanese haiku poetry, this new form is used for a terse verse with a total of 17 syllables displayed on three lines. Unlike its classic Japanese analogue, this concoction does not mandate the precise distribution of the syllables among the three lines, but does stipulate that each word in the poem be included in a palindromic phrase or sentence in English (i.e. one that can be read either forwards or backwards).
To help the reader discern the origin of the lyrics, each palindrome (generally occupying one of the three lines of the poem) has been color-coded. The current post should be regarded as experimental; readers are referred to other posts in this collection for a review of the standard format.
And, just in case you have forgotten what palindromes are about, your blogsite hosts have arranged a serial set of brief lessons on the topic ('Political Palindromes') which you can review by clicking HERE.
palinku |
palinku |
links for any date: scroll over to the calendar-based listings of 'Past Posts' in the righthand column on this page, choose your month of interest, and then select (by clicking) the post of your choice.
EDITORS' WARNING: You must be at least 12 years of age to read this post!
Authors' Note: Occasionally, the shock of reality may help a victim of substance abuse, like Seth, to focus on his plight. A more professional discussion of drug addiction by SheilaB may be enlightening.
To review all of our output on the topic of classic languages, go to our encyclopedic compendium, "Edifying Nonsense"; click HERE !
You can view all of our folio-photos from the collection of 'Couples' portraits in a wider context on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense". Click HERE.
You can view additional informative verses on this topic by proceeding to the collection 'DOCTORS and their PRACTICES' on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense". Click HERE!
links for any date: scroll over to the calendar-based listings of 'Past Posts' in the righthand column on this page, choose your month of interest, and then select (by clicking) the post of your choice.
You can review other illustrated verses on this topic by proceeding to the collection 'Life in Palindrome Valley' on our full-service blog 'Edifying Nonsense'.