A blogsite that offered 30 entertaining oddities each month from 2020 through 2024, now serving as an archive for 1800 posts accumulated over those five years. Images -- poetic (including song-lyrics), photographic, and computer-simulated -- were drawn from daily life, including work, family, travel and newsreading experiences. Illustrated poems and wordplay grouped by topic can also be found on our ongoing blog "Edifying Nonsense" at edifyingnonsense.net.
February 28, 2021
FEB 28c, reptiles: five-lined skinks
FEB 28b, pathos and poetry (gun control verse): hitman
FEB 28, classic palindrome: 'gnu dung'
February 27, 2021
FEB 27, basic medical science: ejection fraction (LVEF)
February 26, 2021
FEB 26, anagram swarm: 'E-X -- P-R-E-S-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L'
February 25, 2021
FEB 25, dental feelings (sentimental verse): fillings in Billings
You can review the collection of illustrated verses on this topic by proceeding to the post 'Dental Feelings' on our full-service blog 'Edifying Nonsense'.
February 24, 2021
FEB 24, sleek Greek prefixes: ENDO-
February 23, 2021
FEB 23, English literature survey course: pass/fail
February 22, 2021
FEB 22, amphibians: American green tree frog
Be sure to check out the whole collection of 'Amphibians' by proceeding to "Edifying Nonsense." CLICK HERE !
February 21, 2021
FEB 21, pandemic poetry: 'two contagiously funny verses'
You can review these illustrated verses in a wider context by proceeding to 'Pandemic Poetry' on the full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense".
February 20, 2021
FEB 20, singable satire: Mary Poppins sings "FORMULAIC-PLEONASTIC-LEGALISTIC DOUBLETS"

(to the tune of "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" - Mary Poppins)
Now, "formula" applies
Whereas word-order's always set;
And if the first one shows up
So'll the other, you can bet!
And "pleonasm" indicates
A frank redundancy,
If clients check out Wiki'
"Legal doublets" they shall see.
They're formulaic-pleonastic-legalistic-doublets
Now and henceforth use them to stay free and clear of trouble, it's
Fit and also proper, to pursue them and enjoy, it's
A formulaic-pleonastic-legalistic ploy.
Um diddle diddle diddle, um diddle ay!
Clear and Correct and Complete and Concise
When I was still a minor,
As you've heretofore inferred,
I'd swear, even subscribe
With a sole and exclusive word.
But then I felt an urge to cover
Each and every base
Proclaiming with force and effect,
Thereby I'll rest my case.
They're formulaic pleonasms, they aid and abet, it's
Not so new or novel, yet you get full faith and credit
You can't annul or cancel, now that you've deposed and said it
Formulaic pleonasms - don't revise or edit.
Um diddle diddle diddle, um diddle ay!
Clear and Correct and Complete and Concise
While touring all and sundry ports
To furnish and supply,
Surprising lets and hindrances
Provoked a hue and cry.
He sought to be indemnified
And also held harmless
He had and held a trick that
He'll acknowledge and confess.....
Spout formulaic-pleonastic-legalistic diction!
In a court of law where there's dispute and even friction -
Helps attesting and asserting facts or only fiction
Formulaic-pleonastic-legalistic diction.
Um diddle diddle diddle, um diddle ay!
Clear and Correct and Complete and Concise
When liens and encumbrances
You can't shun and avoid,
Your power and authority
Is rendered null and void
Just cite and quote these phrases
And you'll double what you say,
And over and above
You still can transfer or convey.
Use formulaic pleonasms in your legal documents,
To give and grant, or bequeath and devise such lands and tenements.
With signed and sealed, full-and-complete testimony 'n' evidence
Heirs and assigns keep and maintain their chattels, with due diligence.
Um diddle diddle diddle, um diddle ay!
Clear and Correct and Complete and Concise.
They're legalistic pleonasms - not sure what those terms meant?
That should be a focus of attention and concernment;
Unless and until there's a postponement or adjournment
Formulaic-pleonastic-legalese discernment.
Oh! Formulaic-pleonastic-legalistic thinking
Though such words seem laudable, implies a brain that's shrinking,
With cause good and sufficient, you might find your case dismissed
If judge-and-jury order-and-direct cease-and-desist.
Notwithstanding legal valid rules and regulations
Please deem and consider all due terms and stipulations.
Legal doublets - part and parcel, final formulation
Is your last will and testament, and end and termination.
Formulaic-pleonastic-legalistic thinking!
Other Examples of Legal Doublets
Other expressions with legal implications were included in my previous posts dealing with alliterative binomials. These include.....
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February 19, 2021
FEB 19, etymology: 'mentor'
February 18, 2021
FEB 18, neologism (personal): electile dysfunction
February 17, 2021
FEB 17, palinku: partying #4
In this post, we will continue with our novel form of poetic wordplay, inspired by Japanese haiku poetry. This new form, in its English-language version, is used for a terse verse with a total of 17 syllables displayed on three lines. Unlike its classic Japanese analogue, this concoction does not mandate the precise distribution of the syllables among the three lines, but does stipulate that each word in the poem be included in a palindromic phrase or sentence in English (i.e. one that can be read either forwards or backwards).
To help the reader discern the origin of the lyrics, each palindrome (generally occupying one of the three lines of the stanza) has been color-coded. And, as you likely noticed, the first three verses in this collection have already been published here, in November 2021 through January 2021, using the 17th of each month. Here we present the final element, part #4, in what happens to be a relatively long study in verse. Other topics for palinku have usually resulted in shorter creations, most commonly one or two verses. Although the format for these poems is highly constraining, readers can look forward to a spectrum of poems involving such divergent topics as human emotions, family interactions, gender relations, workplace dynamics, politics, culinary matters and the natural world.
And, just in case you have forgotten what palindromes are about, your blogsite hosts have arranged a serial set of brief lessons on the topic ('Political Palindromes') which you can review by clicking HERE.
FEB 16, classic palindrome: 'O Stone, be not so'
February 15, 2021
FEB 15, anagram swarm: 'I-N-C-I-T-E-D A R-I-O-T'
Authors' Note:
Sens: slang for American senators.
Representative Jamie Raskin was the chief House Manager (prosecuting the charge of impeachment) during the recent trial of ex-president D.J. Trump in the U.S. Senate.
February 14, 2021
FEB 14, holidays and celebrations: Valentine's Day
February 13, 2021
FEB 13, old world palindromes #15 and #16
You can view the entire collection of 'Old World Palindromes' on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense"; start by clicking here.
February 12, 2021
FEB 12, portraits of couples: Aurora and Cephalus
You can view these photos from our portfolio of 'Couples' portraits in a wider context on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense" HERE.
February 11, 2021
FEB 11, classic palindrome: 'Dennis sinned' ... PLUS, A PALINDROMIC DAY CELEBRATION, 12/02/2021
Here's a reprise honoring last year's palindromic day...
(With many thanks to my good friend, Eric K., for his reminder about this important occasion.)

This brief poetic musing was originally published here on February 2, 2020. By the way, if you are overwhelmed by an urge to sing about Dennis's sinful relationships, you can satisfy those urgings by clicking HERE.