February 1, 2024

FEB 1, ambulatory verse: hike

a) Review of material posted on February 1 in previous years ...

2020: exotic destination, Chemainus, BC, continuation (poem -'brief saga')
2021: anagram swarm, Republicans-In-Canada, r-i-c 13 (wordplay maps) 
2022: variant Nantucket limerick, sugar-daddy from Nanking (poem)
2023: parasites, geohelminths (poem)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... r-i-c 13), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slides for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Feb 1, 2024): 

 You can review all our verses on this topic, accumulated for you on our companion blog "Edifying Nonsense", by clicking HERE.

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