May 14, 2024

MAY 14r, portraits of couples (introduction)

a) reprise from May 2020

MAY 14, portraits of couples: Introduction (domestic turkeys)

  Giorgio and I have decided, despite the limitations of the new COVID-19 lockdown regulations, to undertake a novel business venture -- family photographic portraiture.

Please call or email to make an appointment with our staff for a photo-shoot, which can be conducted in your front yard, sidewalk or parking area. Owing to the inclement weather, clothing (other than pyjamas or gym-shorts) is recommended.
With the approval of our earliest clients, I will post some samples here over the next few days for your perusal.
Best wishes,
Giorgio / Dr.G.H.

Enjoy an illustrated poem about domestic turkeys by clicking HERE.

You can view this photo from our portfolio of 'Couples' portraits in a
wider context on our full-service blog "Edifying NonsenseHERE

b) Olympic sport, 2024

track, 100 m
competitor's rank based on times of <0.05 seconds

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