May 10, 2024

MAY 10, singable satire, War of 1812 revisited: "THE PRATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS"

a) Reprise of material posted on May 10 in previous years ...

2020: dental feelings, fluoridation (illustrated poem - 'brief saga')
2021: toxic vignettes, methylated spirits (illustrated poem - 'brief saga') 
2022: word pairs, echoic binomials (illustrated poem - 'brief saga')
2023: Canadiana, Canadian raising, linguistics (poem)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... Hippocratic), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (May 10, 2024): 

ORIGINAL SONG: "The Battle of New Orleans" Jimmy Driftwood 1958; popular cover by Johnny Horton, 1959
The United States 1812-1815
PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, February, 2013.

You can view these lyrics and commentary displayed on a parody-lyrics website at Post "The Prattle of New Orleans"

Jimmy Driftwood with 
his signature home-made guitar

The original recording

Battle-site map

Andrew Jackson (Old Hickory)
 leading troops to victory


(to the tune of "The Battle of New Orleans")

As a hist’ry buff, I thought that I should delve,
Into some stated details ‘bout the War of 1812.
’Cause before the BP oil-spill and the Storm they called Katrin’,
Was a diff’rent kind of battle near the Town of New Orleans.

Hup 2,3,4; Hup 2,3,4

I’d heard of Laura Secord, and the White House getting torched,
And a bit of British Caribbean forces getting zorched.
I checked it with my Southern spouse, her knowledge too was pale,
But we both knew Jimmy Driftwood’s folksy song could tell the tale.

We knew by heart the Johnny Horton version,
With the poor alligator that got used as cannon-bore:
It topped the charts over here as well as Britain,
Though it clearly smudged the history and magnified the lore.

Was Old Hick’ry drinkin’ buds with Jean Laffitte?
And why’d the British bring along so many drums to beat?
And who’d believe the dyin’ words of General Pakenham
Were “you better quit a-foolin’ with your cousin Uncle Sam”?

Did seasoned soldiers turn and do the rabbit-run,
When confronted with militia who were firing squirrel-guns?
So I took a couple Beanos, then I snarfed on nacho-chips,
And I googled “Town of New Orleans and British fighting ships”.

 It seems…
The Brits had occupied the west bank Mississip’,
Fog lifted, they got blasted sneakin’ over in their ships,
More leaders killed and wounded as they tried to storm the Town,
So their troops were not a-runnin’, they just stood and got mowed down.

Weeks thence, per Wikiped’ in Feb’ 1815,
The English, reassembled, sailed out east from New Orleans,
They targeted more mischief ’long the coast of Alabam’
(In the hold the rum-packed body of their Gen’ral Pakenham).

They left Mobile standing when the orders finally reached ’em,
“No territory changing, just return to status quo”,
On Christmas Eve belligerents had penned the Ghent treaty,
So the Indies Fleet sailed home across the Gulf of Mexico.

This strange War that began with maritime embargoes
Seemed a drawn-out pointless offshoot of Napoleonic woes;
If “agreed on as a triumph” on the two sides of the border,

It’s the writing and the citing and the singing makes it so !

Hup 2,3,4 x2. Sound off 3,4 x2.....

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