February 10, 2024

FEB 10, singable satire: an old folk-song "TRAILERPARKY"

  a) Reprise of material posted on February 10 in previous years ...

2020: trees, sabal palmettos(poem - 'brief saga')
2021: bottom-line humor, gastro-esophageal reflux (poem - 'brief saga') 
2022: inspired by Ogden Nash, a gnat and a nit (poem - 'brief saga')
2023: Canadiana, Newfoundland potato famine (poem - 'brief saga')

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b) Today's Offering (Feb 10, 2024): 

PASTICHE, including  PARODY-LYRICS:  (Pastiche implies the use of several sources,  even several art-forms, as a vehicle for the parody)
ORIGINAL SONG: "Greensleeves", traditional. 
ORIGINAL POEMS: Lyrics are based in part on the poems "Jabberwocky"1871, Lewis Carroll for stanza 1-8, and "La Belle Dame Sans Merci"1819, John Keats, for stanza 9. 
PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, 2001 and 2014. 

You can view these lyrics and commentary displayed on a parody-lyrics website at AmIRight.com Post "Trailerparky"

The protagonist of this pseudo-medieval tale acted as treasurer of a de facto condominium involving 25 cottage properties at the northern edge of Lake Erie, in the Township of Malahide (yes!). Drama developed when the owner of a large adjacent shorefront property, under financial duress, threatened to sell a portion of his land (which included a sizable 'frog-pond') for a trailerpark development.

The traditional tune "Greensleeves"


( to the tune of "Greensleeves")

'Twas April, and the faulty stoves
Were piled beside the sagging gate;
All fish-flied were the poplar groves,
 With plumbing opened late.

Carroll and Alice Lidell
(fanciful portrait)
"Beware the Trailerpark, my son!
The johns that flush! porch swings that glide!
Beware E. coli counts, and shun
Approvious Malahide !"

At 'condo, sort-of' heads they shook:
Long floating loan-forms he prepares - 
So co-signed he, with the Private Three
At the Bank of M upstairs.

And as the roadway bills he paid

Erie-storms the clay did shift.
The drained Cement-and-Gravel Way
Lay rubbled ' neath the cliff.
Back tax! back tax! the Feds they forced
The neighbour's plans deflated twice !
He played his hand, and copped the land
At a freshly garnished price. 

And hast thou bought the Marshy-Flats ?
Come to the Tuck-Shop brunch !", they voice.
"Mosquito breeds, O Noxious Weeds !
But we have no other choice."  

'Twas August, and the slant-cut poles
 Were tied and turgid by the gate:
 All pansied were the Old-road's holes,
 Clay cliffs, west of the site of the story
 And the levy-cheques post-date.

By autumn, at the condo's shore
Did tires the tree-drift beach retread;
All frogsy was OUR pond, and for 
The moment books out-red.

 And this is why few snowbird here,
 Valve-closed or winter-watering,
 'Though sludge is filtered from the lake,
 And no bugs sting.

Lake Erie cliffs, looking west

La Belle Dame
 Sans Merci

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