A blogsite that offered 30 entertaining oddities each month from 2020 through 2024, now serving as an archive for 1800 posts accumulated over those five years. Images -- poetic (including song-lyrics), photographic, and computer-simulated -- were drawn from daily life, including work, family, travel and newsreading experiences. Illustrated poems and wordplay grouped by topic can also be found on our ongoing blog "Edifying Nonsense" at edifyingnonsense.net.
April 30, 2020
APR 30, exotic destination: Nome, Alaska
April 29, 2020
APR 29, American satire: results of DT's first impeachment trial (birds'-eye view)
Reprise, originally posted February 9 and 10, 2020.
Authors' Note: Readers might want to check out prior posts, including that of Feb 9, entitled "Anagrammatic tribute to a Senator", and those of January 1, 9, 10 and 11, dealing with great egrets. The photos of birds were obtained from Giorgio Coniglio's personal collection, whereas those of political leaders were obtained from readily available online sources.
We hope that you enjoyed this playful photo-art. You can find 30 more submissions, mostly poetic on this topic in 5 collections on our full-service blog 'Edifying Nonsense'. Click HERE to start!
April 28, 2020
APR 28, insects: mosquitoes
April 27, 2020
APR 27, photo-collage: chainsaw sculpture
April 26, 2020
APR 26, trees: gnarling
April 25, 2020
APR 25, Carolina lowcountry: further spring excursions
mallard drake |
mute swan, Middleton Place |
a green anole; one of E.T.'s relations? |
cycling under Spanish moss |
April 24, 2020
APR 24, scopes of medicine: endoscopic spectrum
April 23, 2020
APR 23, wordplay maps, new world palindromes (#15,#16)
April 22, 2020
APR 22, boating: kayaking in "My Blue Heaven"
Start of the 'maiden voyage', 2015 (archival photo per RCH) |
April 21, 2020
APR 21, mammalian wildlife: star-nosed mole
April 20, 2020
APR 20, singable satire: Frank Sinatra sings "MY BLUE SIT-ON"
She’s plump but petite,
Where I strap on My Blue Heaven.
Boat-ramp to launch My Blue Heaven.
Could have a fishin’-pole, small ice-chest on a tidal ‘crick’
And she won’t swamp in wake or surf – that’s quite a trick.
Shem Creek, SC foreground: sit-on kayak background: trawlers |
Where scupper-holes drain
Skip’s feeling no pain
Secure in his new blue sit-on.
I’ve got my cellphone in a baggy, I’m not gab-repressed
So while I’m damp and floating, I’ll 'yack-yack or text.
When my darling calls
That evening is nigh
I’ll be docking My Blue Heaven.
A neat gift for me
Just turned seventy.
I’m happy with My Blue Heaven,
Just so happy in My Blue Heaven.
April 19, 2020
APR 19, curtained verse: business agenda
April 18, 2020
APR 18, magical canal palindromes: 'A man, a plan, ... Paris'
April 17, 2020
APR 17, nuclear cardiology haiku, continued
April 16, 2020
APR 16, classic palindrome: 'Do geese see God?'
April 15, 2020
APR 15, the Charleston garden: Japanese yew
April 14, 2020
APR 14, anagram swarm: A-VERY-STABLE-GENIUS, #5/#6
April 13, 2020
APR 13, geysers: second-hand geyser
April 12, 2020
APR 12, patients and maladies: the common cold
April 11, 2020
APR 11, waterfowl: snowy egrets
You can review these illustrated verses in a wider context by proceeding to 'Immersible Verse: Limericks about Waterfowl' on the full-service blog 'Edifying Nonsense'.