April 12, 2022

APR 12, mammalian wildlife: resurgent sea otters

  Elkhorn Slough, at Moss Landing CA, an inlet of Monterey Bay, has become, with protective measures enforced, a bathtub for once-endangered sea otters. If you are lucky enough to visit in April, as we were, you may get to see the pups being toured about by their moms.  Attention is drawn to these gentle marine mammals, seemingly at play, as viewed from our rental kayak. If you prefer, there is a larger tour-boat. Other species of wildlife now abound in and near the waters and in the pastoral setting  of the adjacent uplands, the latter having been developed a century ago for dairy farming. The fishing port of Moss Landing is still the site of a power plant that has dominated the skyline for decades, but is currently being partly dismantled.


Elkhorn Slough is teeming with sea otters

terns on poles in the Slough

harbor seals find this a good place to nap

view over the Elkhorn Slough
from the National Estuarine Research Reserve 

touring the uplands on an informative guided walk 

banner at the Elkhorn Reserve

California poppies

The author with fishing buddies at the entrance
 to an incredible seafood restaurant

 the beach at the local State Park,
only a few feet from the restaurant

You can review the whole collection of illustrated verses about mammals (both domestic and exotic) by checking out the more extensive post on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense". Click HERE !

April 11, 2022

APR 11, exotic destination: Fort Ord National Monument


online photo: abandoned military barracks

impressive surf: riptide warnings abound

April 10, 2022

APR 10, a brief singable saga: Anglo-Latin (and -Greek)

PARODY-SONGLINK: These verses were originally conceived as poetic lyrics. However, they can, like almost all limericks, be easily sung using  certain well-known tunes.  
 Click HERE to access ukulele and guitar chord-charts to help you accompany the song ("The Delights of Anglo-Latin") on your favorite instrument.

But, if you are interested only in the lyrics, continue with the presentation that follows ...  

  For the purpose of this blog, a 'brief saga' is defined as a poem, usually narrative, but occasionally expository, that tell its story in at least 15 lines. Most commonly, the format involves three stanzas in limerick form, constituting a single submission to the online humor site 'Omnificent English Dictionary iLimerick Form'. On the OEDILF site, rigorous standards for content and format are involved in a collaborative editing process that may take several weeks to over a year. 

  Generally, OEDILF has not been enormously welcoming of multi-verse submissions, but Giorgio Coniglio has persisted, and the OEDILF number for each accepted multiverse poem is shown here on the slide with its first verse. All this effort is worthwhile, as the resulting lyrics can easily be adapted for singing!

 To access next month's 'brief saga', proceed to 'echoic binomials (Eco-pairs)'
To review the most recent month's 'brief saga', back up to 'bequest'.    

gift bags of chocolate matzot

April 9, 2022

APR 9, excursions: the windy (SanFrancisco) peninsula


selfie -- on the trail


food truck at next stopping point:
similar terrain for lamas and llamas?

April 8, 2022

APR 8, numbers: octane (8)

You can review our cumulated nonsense about numbers by clicking HERE.

April 7, 2022

APR 7, excursion: Point Lobos Natural Reserve, California




Also, check our blogposts on April 2 and April 12 for some pics of wildlife at this incredible site.