October 20, 2023

OCT 20, singable satire: Leonard Cohen sings "DANTE VIEWS the PAIN OF LUST" (Canto 5b)


ORIGINAL POEM:  "Inferno" by Dante Alighieri, the first book in the triad, "The Divine Comedy", written in the early 14th century.
ORIGINAL SONG: "Dance Me To The End Of Love" Leonard Cohen, 1984.
PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, November 2015.
PARODY-SONGLINK: To find ukulele and guitar chord-charts to help you accompany "Dante Meets the Pain of Lust" on your favorite instrument, click HERE.

Inferno Canto#5b: 

(to the tune of "Dance Me To The End Of Love")

Intro: (reprise of Canto#5a)
Dante to the Second Circle warily descends
Dante with companion Virgil, Minos’ censure fends
A swirling flock of moaning souls who mortally
had letched
Choir-like, they are heard to kvetch
Choir-like, they are heard to kvetch.
Canto 5 continued:
Intesi che son dannati a così fatto tormento
Peccator che la ragion sommettono al talento
E come li stornei ne portano l’ali
Così quel fiato li spiriti mali
Quel fiato li spiriti mali.

Dante views the fate of those whose burning passion sinned
Buffeted like winter starlings by the smiting wind
Hurricanes that never rest tempestuously thrust,
And lash them with the winds of lust;
Damn them to the winds of lust.

Dante bears the witness, but his eyes he barely trusts,
Classical and literary lovers felled by Lust
Cleopatra, Semiramis, figures he knew well,
Tossing on the winds of Hell
Tossing on the winds of Hell.

Dante feels great pity for a thousand tortured shades
Torn by love from mortal life ‘though none of them had AIDS
Paolo and Francesca stop for coffee and a bite
Time-out from their endless flight
Time-out to describe their plight.

Paolo and Francesca were a pair to break your heart
Paolo and Francesca topped Ravenna’s scandal charts.
(Shakespeare’s sad Verona couple - not invented yet
So no-one knew of Juliet,
No-one heard of Juliet)    
Bro-in-law in castle garden, bad case of the hots;
Romance tales they read of Guinevere and Lancelot.
Bro Giovanni pulled his knife when they betrayed his trust
Murdered as revenge for lust
Murdered as revenge for lust.

Essa disse, “Esser basciato da cotanto amante,
Basciò e quel giorno non vi leggemmo avante
Dante, “Io venni men così com’io morisse
E caddi come corpo morto cade.
Caddi com'un morto cade.”

Dante learned how Frankie’d given into earthly bliss
When Paolo got his cue from reading of Sir Lancelot’s kiss 
Dante poet, overwhelmed by anguish, felt so crushed
He fainted with this tale of lust.

Dante felt the pain of lust.

Gianciotto, may he dwell in Caina; Caina, Caina, Caina, Caina, Caina Cai... 
Gianciotto, may he dwell in Caina; Caina, Caina, Caina, Caina, Caina, Cai.. 

Gianciotto ( or Giovanni the lame) - disparaging nickname for Giovanni Malatesta

Caina a pit in the lowest ring of Hell reserved for those who have committed treachery and violence against family members (named after Cain, Abraham's son)

Italy in the late Medieval Period


October 19, 2023

OCT 19r, gruesome verse: dispatch


a) reprise from October 2021

OCT 19, gruesome verse: dispatch

Check out the whole collection called "Gruesome Verse" on our blog "Edifying NonsenseHERE.

b) Decorative Touches

 fabric art by R.C.H., presented with thanks

October 18, 2023

OCT 18r, photo-collage: on a golden pond

 A continuation from the post of September 19, capturing views from a gorgeous day at summer's end:

ducks on duckweed

You can find a poetic tribute to duckweed on this blogsite by clicking HERE.

b) Decorative Touches 

 fabric art by R.C.H., presented with thanks

October 17, 2023

OCT 17, palinku (poetic novelty): ethics

  In this post, we continue with our novel form of poetic wordplay. 

  Inspired by Japanese haiku poetry, the "palinku" is a terse verse with a total of 17 syllables displayed on three lines. Unlike its earlier English-language forerunners, this concoction does not mandate the precise distribution of the syllables among the three lines, but does stipulate that each word in the poem be included in a palindromic phrase or sentence  (i.e. one that can be read either forwards or backwards). 

  To help the reader discern the origin of the lyrics, each palindrome, generally occupying one of the three lines of the poem, has been color-coded. Readers will note that we have been publishing verses of this type on the 17th of each month.

 You can readily view all our "palinku" verses  if you proceed with a single click to our more encyclopedic blog "Edifying Nonsense". Click HERE. (Or if you prefer, you can stay on this particular blogsite and look for the offerings for the 17th day of each month -- there are now more than 60 of these.)

October 16, 2023

OCT 16, poetic non-sequitur: dishwasher (appliance)

Authors' Note   

slow uptake of the residential dishwasher
(photos per televised documentary)

inside a current domestic dishwasher

 storage place for dirty dishes
(photo by G.C.)

a brand new dishwasher
(photo by G.C.)

Our collection of "Non-Sequiturs" on our parent blog "Edifying Nonsense", contains an admittedly bizarre assortment of nonsensical odds-and-ends, that don't quite fit into other topic-based offerings. But should you want to review the entire collection, click HERE.


October 15, 2023

OCT 15r, pandemic poetry: preventive cocktails


a) reprise from October 2020

OCT 15, pandemic poetry: preventive cocktails


You can review these illustrated verses in a wider context by proceeding to 'Pandemic Poetry' on the full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense".

b) Decorative Touches 

October 14, 2023

OCT 14r, Toronto ravines: Humber river valley

a) reprise from October 2020

OCT 14, Toronto ravines: Humber River Valley (photocollages #1-#3)


If you are interested in wending your way through an encyclopedic collection of four blogposts stuffed with photo-collages on Toronto ravines, click HERE.

b) Decorative Touches 

b) Decorative Touches  (DTd)

Continuation from "Pictures at a Renovation -- finishing touches" (fabric artwork), September 22, 2023. 

Ontario lakeland scene:

                                                                          fabric art by R.C.H., presented with thanks

 fabric art by R.C.H., presented with thanks

October 13, 2023

OCT 13r, mammalian wildlife: beavers

a) reprise from October 2020

OCT 13, mammalian wildlife: beavers (Rod the rodent)

You can review the whole collection of illustrated verses about mammals (both domestic and exotic) by checking out the more extensive post on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense". Click HERE !

b) Decorative Touches  

                                                                fabric art by R.C.H., presented with thanks

October 12, 2023

OCT 12, terminal (poetic) exclamation: YIKES!

Authors' Note: Yikes and its variant yoicks, are interjections expressing shock or alarm.

You can review our collection of poems on the topic of "Terminal Exclamation (Limerick Variations)" as it evolves on our more encyclopedic blog "Edifying Nonsense"; click HERE

October 11, 2023

OCT 11, Ontario nostalgia: stormy Ashbridge's Bay


reprise from October 2020

Ontario nostalgia: stormy Ashbridge's Bay (Lake Ontario waterfront at Toronto)


October 10, 2023

OCT 10, a brief saga (ambulatory verse): creep and variant verbs

 You can review all our verses on this topic, accumulated for you on our companion blog "Edifying Nonsense", by clicking HERE.

 For the purpose of this blog, a 'brief saga' is defined as a poem, usually narrative, but occasionally expository, that tell its story in at least 15 lines. Most commonly, the format involves three stanzas in limerick form, constituting a single submission to the online humor site 'Omnificent English Dictionary iLimerick Form'. On the OEDILF site, rigorous standards for content and format are involved in a collaborative editing process that may take several weeks to over a year. 

 There are now over 40 of these lengthier bits of doggerel featured at OEDILF in Giorgio's "Author's Showcase". The OEDILF number for each accepted multiverse poem is shown here on the slide with its first verse. We have been blog-publishing these poetic adventures here monthly since January 2020.

To access the next 'brief saga' on this blog (November 2023), proceed to ...
To access the most recent previous 'brief saga' (September 2023), back up to 'Clinical Trial'.
To access all of our 'brief sagas' by the year of their creation, click on your selection below.

October 9, 2023

OCT 9r, poets' corner: authorly skill


a) reprise from October 2020

OCT 9, poets' corner: authorly skill

You can find lots of other verses on this blog under the listing "Poets' Corner".  Click HERE.

b) Decorative Touches  

Gaudi Bench

 fabric art by R.C.H., presented with thanks

October 8, 2023

OCT 8, decorative touches: kimono


 Decorative Touches  

 Continuation from "Pictures at a Renovation -- finishing touches", (fabric artwork), September 12, 2023. 


                                                                              fabric art by R.C.H., presented with thanks

October 7, 2023

OCT 7r, Toronto oases: Leslie Street spit

a) reprise from October 2020

OCT 7, Toronto oases, Leslie St. Spit photocollages #1 to #4


You can review the entire series of illustrated poems about  the good old days in Ontario by checking the post 'Ontario Nostalgia' on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense". Click HERE

b) Decorative Touches 

 fabric art by R.C.H., presented with thanks