a) Review of material posted on November 18 in previous years ...
2020: waterfowl, American white ibis (illustrated poem)
2021: anagrams, Canadian scramble-town 15 (wordplay maps)
2022: classic palindromes, Ida's denial. (poem)
2023: saving the planet, drought (poem)
To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... white ibis), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice.
b) Today's Offering (Nov 18, 2024):
Authors' note:
Various groups of strictly Orthodox or haredi (khah-RAY-dee) Jews represent an expanding demographic in Israel, assembling in particular neighborhoods (such as the suburbs of Jerusalem) where they carry out their lifestyle, rejecting and disdaining the secular environment, preferring a world characterized by observance of laws derived from the Torah (Bible). Their traditional dress reflects the groups' roots in 19th century Ashkenazi religious communities in eastern Europe. The name (the plural noun form) originates from a biblical reference to those who tremble at the word of God.
With large families (averaging 7 children per woman), these groups made up 4% of Israeli citizens in 1980, and 13% in 2021.
Various groups of strictly Orthodox or haredi (khah-RAY-dee) Jews represent an expanding demographic in Israel, assembling in particular neighborhoods (such as the suburbs of Jerusalem) where they carry out their lifestyle, rejecting and disdaining the secular environment, preferring a world characterized by observance of laws derived from the Torah (Bible). Their traditional dress reflects the groups' roots in 19th century Ashkenazi religious communities in eastern Europe. The name (the plural noun form) originates from a biblical reference to those who tremble at the word of God.
With large families (averaging 7 children per woman), these groups made up 4% of Israeli citizens in 1980, and 13% in 2021.
Readers can view our collected verses dealing with 'higher connections' by clicking HERE.
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