July 28, 2024

JUL 28, photo-collage: flying back east, Vancouver Island to Toronto

  a) Reprise of material posted on July 28 in previous years

2020: insects, insect repellent (illustrated poem)
2021: doctors and practices, Pete the orthopod (poem) 
2022: waterfowl, snow geese (illustrated poem)
2023: lexicon of word-pairs, reduplications H (wordplay)

To access any of these items, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... snow geese), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath each item you will find a further link to explore a collection of items (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.)  on the relevant topic.

b) Today's offering (Jul 28, 2024): 

Above the Canadian portion of the planet (photos by Giorgio Coniglio) ...
(dated Aug 25)

safety information in French and English, coast to coast

taking off from Nanaimo, British Columbia;
 very short flight to YVR (Vancouver)

rolling into Vancouver

starting out from YVR
across the Fraser River

icefields of the Rocky Mountains

flying over the foothills/prairies,
just east of the Rocky peaks

descending to the airport in Calgary, Alberta

next morning's descent;
 the final flight terminates in Toronto


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