July 1, 2024

JUL 1, Canadiana: 'founding cultures' + canoeing photo-collage

a) Reprise from July 1 in previous years

2020: Canadiana, Canadian defined (illustrated poem)
2021: Canadiana, Canadian moose (illustrated poem)
2022: Canadiana, Canadian weather (illustrated poem)
2023: Canadiana, Mounties (poem)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... Mounties), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Jul 1, 2024):

Authors' Note:  In earlier days, national discussion focused on the two founding cultures, as Canada struggled with incorporating the remnants of two different European traditions with different religions, customs and even legal systems, into its institutions. Today's realizations and reality render the buzzword outdated and the situation even more complex.

You can review poems, pictures and diverse nonsense related to Canada on the post "Canadiana" on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense".

b) Incidental photo-collage

You can review these illustrated verses in a wider context by proceeding to 'Reverse Strokes: Limericks About Canoeing' on the full-service blog 'Edifying Nonsense'. 

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