a) Reprise of material posted on August 20 in previous years ...
2020: singable satire, Alliterative Binomials #2 (parody-lyrics)
2021: singable satire, Mel and his Hernia (parody-lyrics)
2022: singable satire, Coach the Nestlings (parody-lyrics)
2023: singable satire, Limbo Rocks or Not (parody-lyrics)
2021: singable satire, Mel and his Hernia (parody-lyrics)
2022: singable satire, Coach the Nestlings (parody-lyrics)
2023: singable satire, Limbo Rocks or Not (parody-lyrics)
To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... Coach the Nestlings), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice.
b) Today's Offering (Aug 20, 2024):

PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, July 2014.
PARODY-SONGLINK: To find ukulele and guitar chord-charts to help you accompany "Tiptoe Past Ripe Berries" on your favorite instrument, click HERE.
PARODY-SONGLINK: To find ukulele and guitar chord-charts to help you accompany "Tiptoe Past Ripe Berries" on your favorite instrument, click HERE.
Tip-toe round the messes 'neath the Johnsons' fruiting berry tree;
Please tiptoe past mulberries - my plea;
They stain concrete, and the floor-mats, and our carpets; walk responsibly!
Please tip-toe past mulberries - my plea.
Ripe fruit hot pavement does cook;
Bird-poo; Yuch! - Purple; just look! So slip your
Shoes off at the doorstep, when you're sneaking from your girlfriend's digs
Please tiptoe past the berries - my plea, ......... and
Tip-toe round the messes 'neath our neighbors' over-bearing tree;
Our front sidewalk's a jam factory
Blue-stained granite and hall tile-slate, and our carpets; walk responsibly!
Please tip-toe past mulberries - my plea.
No diff if you're slow or quick;
They'll squish; in shoe-treads they'll stick. So slip your
Shoes off at the doorstep, when you're sneaking home well after two....or
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