November 23, 2023

NOV 23, Canadiana: founding cultures


Authors' Note:  In earlier days, national discussion focused on the two
founding cultures, as Canada struggled with incorporating the remnants of two different European traditions with different religions, customs and even legal systems, into its institutions. Today's realizations and reality render the buzzword outdated and the situation even more complex.

Authors' Note:   We have the good fortune in Canada, in some instances, of choosing either standard British grammar or the American version thereof. In the US, the commonly employed past tenses are "creeped" and "leaped"; these would alter the rhyming of the poem's second and fourth lines. A US-compatible version of this poem is also in the works, but to date preliminary efforts remain heaped under the carpet.

You can review poems, pictures and diverse nonsense related to Canada on the post "Canadiana" on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense".

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