February 16, 2023

FEB 16, mythed opportunities: Leda and the swan

Authors' Note: King T. refers to Sparta's King Tyndareus, husband of Leda. These characters in the story of "Leda and the Swan" were presumably mortal. However, relevant accounts, as depicted in literature and representative art, vary as to the mortal status of the couple's famous offspring (the twins Helen and Clytemnestra, and Castor and Pollux were hatched as human babies from the oversized eggs.)

"Leda and the Swan"
a subtle rendition with the swan at her feet;
unspecified British sculptor,
Allan Gardens Conservatory, Toronto.

See more views of Toronto's Allan Gardens Conservatory HERE

"Leda and the Swan", bronze sculpture,
Bruno Piccirilli, 1945,
displayed at Brookgreen Gardens, SC

Leda and the Swan,
marble and soapstone, 1898, D. M. Ferrary
Sculpture, Lady Lever Gallery, UK

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