February 20, 2023

FEB 20, singable satire: The Red Army Chorus sings " DARK SCHEMES" (Russian Hacking)

ORIGINAL SONG (music): "Dark Eyes (Ochi Chornye)", poem written in Russian by Ukrainian poet Hrebinka in 1843, set to music in 1884; recorded by Al Jolson, Django Reinhart, Louis Armstrong, Red Army Chorus, Fyodor Chaliapin, Ivan Rebroff etc.
PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, January 2018, related to the 2016  winter Olympics . 
PARODY SONG-LINK: See the version designed for ukulele and guitar players on "SILLY SONGS and SATIRE" HERE.


(to the tune of "Dark Eyes" ("Ochi Chornye")

A huge triumph for our Russian hackers,
With support PUT IN by Kremlin backers.
Secret intrusion -- seek Red collusion,
Get the goods on sad Trump detractors.

Rationale why we try subvert the West?
We need silly poems. You guys got the best.
No laugh Soviets. Putin still says, Nyet!"
So steal comedy, we'll be funniest.

Once was oligarch from Nantucket
Hid all cash in pail. Tax? He'd duck it.
But his daughter Nan found a man with plan -- 
Informed KGB, then stole bucket. 

Lady traveller, named Miss Brightsky,
She exceeded 'c', speed of lightsky.
She set off from Omsk, took train back from Tomsk,
And returned next week, Sunday nightsky.

Trapped in samovar, were a flea and fly
(English word is 'tea'; Russians call it 'chai');
They played sweet guitar, smoked Cuban cigar,
Though when water boiled, they would surely die. 

You should not pay heed, when the joke's on us; 
Shield you from such filth, we should make a fuss.
What could be appeal, what Chris Steele reveal?
Golden shower file we should not discuss.

Though the IOC* dinged us for doping
Russian hacking teams don't sit moping.
Super dupers are scooping covert medals for duping --
It's a banner year, Vladimir's hoping.

*IOC = International Olympic Committee

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