December 30, 2021

DEC 30, singable satire: Canadian public school reunion: "IN DAYS OF YORE"


ORIGINAL SONG:  "The Maple Leaf Forever", by Alexander Muir, modified
lyrics by Vladimir Radian 1997.
PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, September 2013, updated 2015, 2017, and 2018.

(FURTHER SONGS ON THE SAME THEME: For other nostalgic takes on Canada's national hymns, you can view (and sing along with) ...
 (January 2015)  Flight of the Loonie



Grade 8 classes
Cedarvale Public School, 1958

You can also view these lyrics and commentary (without images or chords)  displayed on a parody-lyrics website at Post "Canadian Reunion"


(to the tune of "The Maple Leaf Forever")

While young and frail at Poplarvale
Our mentors taught Muir's stirring song;
It eulogized forefathers’ feats,
Didn’t help us to belong.

As baby-boomers, second-gen,
Homes shaped by cookie-cutters;
Its patriotic sentiments
Maple Leaf Gardens
Carlton Street, Toronto
Dismissed those of our mothers.

No copyright, no fleur-de-lys;
Of insight only traces - 
Muir's Maple Leaf excluded half
Our countrys founding races.
Though regments touted it their tune,
And Anglo journals ranted,
Decades ago, O Canada
Muirs time-worn chant supplanted.

More recent play: ere Y-2-K,
Ann Murray sings
Maple Leaf Gardens
February, 2013
The C-B-C a contest ran;
So flourished a new pluralist "Leaf"
By songwright Vlad Radian. 

Its fabled British glory tamed,
No heaven or hegemony;
Olympic Closing half-time showed,
While "(Canada)" did Ceremonies. 

Its reassembled mission clear, 
A newfound "Feuille" quite clever --
Anne Murray sang, The Gardens closed: 
The Maple Leafs forever.        

Five decades late, we congregate,
Our Grade Eight class remembered,  
No “Maple” hymn heard in the gym  - 
The song’s appeal now severed.

Last year Muir's ancient fabled tree
Was felled by stormy weather*.
Still sometimes heard, but seldom hymned -- 
The Maple Leaf Forever

* an ancient maple, that presumably had inspired
 Muir’s lyrics, was destroyed by a storm in July 2013.

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