December 8, 2023

DEC 8, at heart: Holter monitor

You can view more poems on this topic by proceeding to "Cardiologic Tracings: AT HEART" (parts #1 and #2) on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense". Click HERE!


December 7, 2023

DEC 7r, photo-collage: unusual sightings, Ontario wildlife

a) reprise from December 2020

DEC 7, unusual wildlife: Ontario sightings

b) current birdie-pic (S. Carolina)

common grackle

December 6, 2023

DEC 6, pinkos (forward thinkers): the gamophobic socialist

Authors' Note:   Gamophobia is an irrational fear of getting married, or of interpersonal commitment. Gamophobic individuals, or gamophobes, whatever their political views, are people who harbour such neurotic anxieties.

The slogan "better red than dead" was mentioned in a book that British philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote in 1961, in the face of a potential East-West nuclear confrontation; it was subsequently adopted by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, an organization that Russell helped found. The slogan has been used in both directions, with hardline rightwingers sometimes proclaiming "Better dead then red".

Also, a related disorder, gynophobia, is discussed in another of our intriguing and informative verses. 

You can review all the poems in our collection "Pinkos: forward thinkers" by clicking HERE.

December 5, 2023

DEC 5, Submitted Palindromes: I, targeted at "EMBARGOS SO GRAB ME"

  On the 25th of each month you will find a slide-filling group of palindromic phrases submitted to the editors by a panel of 7 palindromists. These folks have all been working on this project since January 2020. Their profiles are indicated in panels published here at the start of things, and then, we have asked them to provide (palindromically, of course) their views on one of the iconic items in the classic literature, starting with "A man, a plan, a canal -- Panama", and continuing with other well-known phrases, such as "Dennis sinned". Otherwise, their contribution will be grouped in random piles (a phrase that you might recognize as an anagram of the word p-a-l-i-n-d-r-o-m-e-s). 

You can access all of this delightful entertainment by entering submitted palindromes in one of the two search bars at the top of this post and scrolling downwards through the wordplay posts that you will discover. 

December 4, 2023

DEC 4, terminal (poetic) exclamation: DON'T TOUCH!

 You can review our collection of poems on the topic of "Terminal Exclamation (Limerick Variations)" as it evolves on our more encyclopedic blog "Edifying Nonsense"; click HERE.  

December 3, 2023

DEC 3, defining opinion: hole #1 + holiday bonus

Our blogpost "Defining Opinion" on the topic-based blog "Edifying Nonsense" shows a selection of similar verses submitted to OEDILF (the online Omnificent English Dictionary iLimerick Form). You can see all of these on one visit by clicking HERE.


DEC 3,r-: holiday verse:Advent #3

a) reprise from December, 2020

DEC 3, holiday verse: Advent #3


December 1, 2023

DEC 1r, sleek Greek prefixes: DYS-

 a) reprise from December 2020 

DEC 1, sleek Greek prefixes: DYS-

Authors' Note: Another example of use of this prefix is the medical term dyspareuniaClick HERE to review a verse on this intriguing topic.

Clicking HERE will introduce you to our entire collection of verses about the Greek prefixes!

b) decorative touches

 fabric art by R.C.H., presented with thanks

November 30, 2023

NOV 30, singable satire: Muddy Waters Sings "CRAYFISH ETOUFFEE" (Inferno, Canto 6)


ORIGINAL POEM:  Canto#6 of "Inferno" by Dante Alighieri, the first book in the triad, "The Divine Comedy", written in the early 14th century.
ORIGINAL SONG: "Baby, Please Don't Go", Big Joe Williams 1935, popularized by Muddy Waters, used here primarily for music and meter.
PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, November 2015.
PARODY-SONGLINK: To find ukulele and guitar chord-charts to help you accompany "Crayfish 
Étouffée" on your favorite instrument, click HERE.

In the Third Circle, Dante sees the fate of gluttons like his friend from Florence named ‘Ciacco’ (the equivalent of ‘Piggy’). No fire used for torture here; the climate sounds like Toronto in March. The poor souls confined here in the freezing mud are tormented by a demonic three-headed dog, Cerberus. I took some liberties with Ciacco’s tale; in the original, he discusses the complex politics of 14th century Florence. The details I provided re Ciacco's gluttonous exploits are imagined. Eschatology is the part of theology concerned with final judgment and the destiny of the soul.  Étouffée is a delicious Louisiana dish of seafood, usually crayfish, in a Cajun roux sauce.

"Cerberus", W. Blake
New Orleans style crayfish etouffée


(to the tune of "Baby Please Don't Go")

Sono al cerchio terzo,
Dov'è'l crudele Cerbero

La pena di golosi; mi veggio intorno
Novi tormentati.

Dante go and see
Dante go and see
Dante go and see what’s in Circle Three - 
They punish gluttony.

Virge led me way down here
Virge brought me way down here
Another Ring of Fear, fiend in charge appear
Be a three-headed dog.

Thermostat set low
Pelting rain, hail, snow
Sinners grovel, sit in freezing mud, like sh*t
Hounded by that cursed dog.

Guy who waves hello -
Dante used to know,
‘Ciacco’, brought so low; he’s a Florentine
He tells his story, so …..

'ALL YOU EAT - ' , sign say - 
Stayed all day and ate food from New Orleans
Now Circle Three’s my fate. ”

Virgil’s prophecy:
Eschatology -
Our friend ‘Piggy’ sit in that freezing sh*t
‘Til final trumpet blow.

So baby, please don’t stray
Don’t pig out that way
Don’t eat étouffée down in New Orleans
Or Circle Three’s your fate.

Dante go and see
Dante go and see
Dante go and see what’s in Circle Three - 
They punish gluttony.

November 29, 2023

NOV 29: mammalian wildlife: horsing around

 You can review the whole collection of illustrated verses about mammals (both domestic and exotic) by checking out the more extensive post on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense". Click HERE !

November 28, 2023

NOV 28r, savoir-faire: franglais


a) reprise from November 2020

NOV 28, savoir-faire: franglais

Authors' Note:

en visite (ahn vee-ZEET): ‘while visiting'

les touristes (lay too-REEST):  'the tourists’

non-français (non frahn-SEH): ‘not French (speaking)’

ils causaient (eel koh-ZEH): 'they chatted‘

Québécois (kay-bay-KWAH): ‘resident of Quebec (province)’

franglais (frahn-GLEH): ‘Franglais, a mixed lingo’

 You can review verses on this topic in a wider context on our full-service blog 'Edifying Nonsense'. Check the post 'Vers Francais: Savoir-Faire' by clicking HERE

b) Decorative Touches 

 fabric art by R.C.H., presented with thanks

November 26, 2023

NOV 26, magical palindromes: more from Paris

a) reprise from November 2020

NOV 2, magical palindromes: more from Paris


You can become an expert fan of our wordplay concoction 'magical palindromes' by reviewing the explanatory material found  on our full-service blog "Edifying NonsenseHERE.

b) Decorative Touches

 fabric art by R.C.H., presented with thanks

November 25, 2023

NOV 25, Submitted Palindromes: H, targeted at "LISA BONET ATE NO BASIL."

  On the 25th of each month you will find a slide-filling group of palindromic phrases submitted to the editors by a panel of 7 palindromists. These folks have all been working on this project since January 2020. Their profiles are indicated in panels published here at the start of things, and then, we have asked them to provide (palindromically, of course) their views on one of the iconic items in the classic literature, starting with "A man, a plan, a canal -- Panama", and continuing with other well-known phrases, such as "Dennis sinned". Otherwise, their contribution will be grouped in random piles (a phrase that you might recognize as an anagram of the word p-a-l-i-n-d-r-o-m-e-s). 

You can access all of this delightful entertainment by entering submitted palindromes in one of the two search bars at the top of this post and scrolling downwards through the wordplay posts that you will discover. 

November 24, 2023

NOV 24r, waterfowl: great egrets


 a) reprise from November 2020


NOV 24, waterfowl: great egrets

b) more great egret views

great egret, stalking slowly

great egret, striking

takeoff  from railing,
Shem Creek Park, Mt Pleasant SC

You can review these illustrated verses in a wider context by proceeding to 'Immersible Verse: Limericks about Waterfowl' on the full-service blog 'Edifying Nonsense'. 

November 23, 2023

NOV 23, Canadiana: crept and leaped


Authors' Note:   We have the good fortune in Canada, in some instances, of choosing either standard British grammar or the American version thereof. In the US, the commonly employed past tenses are "creeped" and "leaped"; these would alter the rhyming of the poem's second and fourth lines. A US-compatible version of this poem is also in the works, but to date preliminary efforts remain heaped under the carpet.

You can review poems, pictures and diverse nonsense related to Canada on the post "Canadiana" on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense".

November 22, 2023

NOV 22r-, birdlore: desnooded


reprise from November 2020

NOV 21, birdlore: turkeys, desnooded (pre-holiday fling)

 You can view an encyclopedic collection of illustrated poems on this topic by proceeding to the post 'Poems about BIRDLORE' on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense". Click HERE

November 21, 2023

NOV 21, ambulatory verse: reverse

Authors' Note: 

do a 180:
 a colloquialism for reversing direction deriving from half the number of degrees in a complete circle; here, as elsewhere, voiced as one-eighty

The author, an old palindromist, finds it appropriate to mention in the context of 'doing a 180', a few palindromic phrases using the verb reverse. These include:

Codes reverse, DocNoses reverse, sonDikes reverse, kid
Drawer: sides reversed is ... reward; and the very dark Nooses reverse soon. 

November 20, 2023

NOV 20, singable satire for Thanksgiving: another pair-ody -- "TURKEY LEFTOVERS"


ORIGINAL SONG#1: "The Christmas Song" (Chestnuts...), written by Wells and Tormé  in 1944, and recorded by the Nat King Cole Trio 1946.

ORIGINAL SONG#2: "Good King Wenceslas", John Mason Neale 1853, but often now mistakenly referred to as 'traditional'. Neale's piece, (based on accounts of the Bohemian Wenceslas legend, and a 13th century 'spring- carol tune) was highly criticized in the 1920s as "ponderous moral doggerel"; see the interesting description in the Wikipedia essay on this topic.
PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, January, 2015. 

PARODY-SONGLINK: To find ukulele chord-charts to help you accompany "Turkey Leftovers" on your favorite instrument, click HERE


(to the tune of The Christmas Song - "Chestnuts Roasting")

Essay featured in Economist,
Turkeys' origins disclosed -
Centerpiece of each year's Yuletide feast,
Subspecies bred in Mexico.

Dolts like me believed that gobblers and that Mid-East land -
Names were mere coincidence.
Ottomans, trading ships, caravans -
I understand, it now makes sense.

Each year I prove I'm such a goof,
I try create too late a spiffy Christmas spoof,
But with a month's delay I'll get it right
Helped by this article about "Turkey's Flight".

And so I'm offering this paraphrase
Of what the author claimed was true,
French - d'inde, and the Turks call them "hindi" - what jerks!
While in India, name in Hindi,
And in Portugal's "peru".

To the tune of "Good King Wenceslas")

Montezuma once bred fowl tastier than pheasant; 
Shipped the Spanish queen a thou - funky kind of present.
Isabella loathed the birds, trimmings too displeased her;
No use for leftovers, she didn't have a free-eezer.

'Turkeys', Moors, then Jews were banned from the royal kitchens;
Legend says that's how began Spanish Inquisition - 
Cortes later sacked the lands of the Aztec ruler.
Phil or Izz-and-Ferdinand ? Can't say which was cru-ueller.

Avian émigrés toured through, crowns of Europe hosting,
Though few of their lackeys knew oven-time for roasting.
Hot or cold and steep or flat, exiled birds were living,
Prospered in those countries that didn't have Thanksgi-iving.

Thus this misnamed flock did cope through the 16th century,
'ventually hens copped some hope with the English gentry.
For some time they settled down,  breeding they found boring,
Westward they shipped out again, restlessly explo-oring.

Turkeys in America, native home recovered,
Quirky and hysterical history discovered -
Essay we would clearly rank best of the Econ'mist,
Author we should dearly thank-(s)he remains anon-ymous.