April 18, 2024

APR 18, photo-collage: this week's Carolina lowcountry wildlife

a) Reprise of material posted on April 18 in previous years ...

2020: scopes of medicine, endoscopic spectrum (poem)
2021: anagrams, US scramble-towns (wordplay maps) 
2022: toxic vignette, antifreeze poisoning (poem)
2023: magic canal palindrome, A man, a plan .. Paris (wordplay)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... Hippocratic), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Apr 18, 2024): 

green anole, on backyard fence

Henrietta, the sociable great egret,
at Shem Creek boardwalk

"Blue-tailed skink",
 the origin of that common name is obvious here;
(juvenile five-lined skinks and broad-headed skinks
 have a similar appearance)

jellyfish, recently washed ashore,
Sullivan's Island, SC

a weight-lifting skink

foraging nocturnal opossum
 captured in our porch light 

Henrietta watching kayakers

"Hop to it" (on one leg),
peculiar habit of many shorebirds

African iris
(floral break from all the fauna)

pelican flight

Editor's Note: More photos on this topic can be found on a later posting HERE.

April 17, 2024

APR 17, palinku (poetic novety): diapers

a) Reprise of material posted on April 17 in previous years ...

2020: haiku,continued, nuclear cardiology (poems)
2021: palinku, canals (poetic novelty) 
2022: palinku, Paris, France and Ontario (poetic novelty)
2023: palinku, London, UK and Ontario (poetic novelty)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... Hippocratic), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Apr 17, 2024): 


April 16, 2024

APR 16, Greek philosophers: Plato

a) Reprise of material posted on April 16 in previous years ...

2020: classic palindrome, Do geese see God? (poem)
2021: portrait of couples, gembok, highly giroomed dogs (photo-shoots) 
2022: funny bones, pelvic fractures (illustrated poem)
2023: condo reno, winding down (photo-collage)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... Hippocratic), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Apr 16, 2024): 

 further edification 

Plato (portrait bust)
sculptor: Silanion 370 B.C.E.

April 15, 2024

APR 15, Submitted Palindromes: RANDOM PILE #10

a) Reprise of material posted on April 15 in previous years ...

2020: Charleston garden, Japanese yew (illustrated poem)
2021: classic palindrome, no lemon, no melon (wordplay maps) 
2022: Carolina lowcountry, pluff mud (illustrated poem)
2023: lexicon of word-pairs, alliterative binomials U (wordplay)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... Hippocratic), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Apr 15, 2024): 


April 14, 2024

APR 14, ambulatory verse: lurk (ambulation lacking)

a) Reprise of material posted on April 14 in previous years ...

2020: anagram swarm, very stable genius, #5 (wordplay)
2021: Panama palindrome spoof, A man, a potato ...  (wordplay) 
2022: mythed opportunities, prophet Elijah (poem)
2023: Toronto ravines, Brickworks spring awakening (illustrated poem)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... Hippocratic), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Apr 14, 2024): 

  You can review all our verses on this topic, accumulated for you on our companion blog "Edifying Nonsense", by clicking HERE.

April 13, 2024

APR 13, Olympic sports -- skateboarding

a) Reprise of material posted on April 13 in previous years ...

2020: geysers, second-hand geyser (poem)
2021: anagrams, US scramble-towns (wordplay maps) 
2022: braincheck, bitemporal hemianopsia (poem)
2023: patients and maladies, aldosterone excess (illustrated poem)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... second-hand geyser), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Apr 13, 2024): 

Olympic sport


April 12, 2024

APR 12, Olympic sport -- unspecified

 a) Reprise of material posted on April 12 in previous years ...

2020: patients and maladies, the common cold (poem)
2021: funny bones, fractured wrist (illustrated poem)
2022: mammalian wildlife, resurgent sea otters (photo-collage)
2023: signs of confusion, fifth collection (photo-collage)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... fractured wrist), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Apr 12, 2024): 

Olympic sport

April 11, 2024

APR 11, waterfowl, more snowy egrets

a) Reprise of material posted on April 11 in previous years ...

2020: waterfowl, snowy egrets (illustrated poem)
2021: Palindrome Valley, duplicitous signpost (illustrated poem) 
2022: exotic destination, Fort Ord Nat'l Monument (illustrated poem)
2023: condo reno, pictures day #6 (photo-collage)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... snowy egrets), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Apr 11, 2024): 

 recent birdie-pics
snowy egret; Mt. Pleasant; South Carolina; Giorgio Coniglio

You can review these illustrated verses in a wider context by proceeding to 'Immersible Verse: Limericks about Waterfowl' on the full-service blog 'Edifying Nonsense'

April 10, 2024

APR 10 (2024), reprise + W-I-P

a) Reprise of material posted on April 10 in previous years ...

2020: wordplay, Claire's celerity (illustrated poem  - 'brief saga'))
2021: gun control, bipolar illness (illustrated poem - 'brief saga') 
2022: classic languages, Anglo-Latin and -Greek (poem - 'brief saga')
2023: hellenophilia, Dodecanese Islands, (illustrated poem - 'brief saga')

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. Claire's celerity), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Apr 10, 2024): 

April 9, 2024

APR 9, Olympic sport -- hurdles, track and field

a) Reprise of material posted on April 9 in previous years ...

2020: new world palindromes, #13 (wordplay)
2021: defining opinion, housewife (poem)
2022: excursions, windy SF peninsula (photo-collage)
2023: special event, Easter parade (photo-collage)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... fractured wrist), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Apr 9, 2024): 

Olympic sport

track, hurdles (400 m)

April 8, 2024

APR 8, Olympic sport -- volleyball

a) Reprise of material posted on April 8 in previous years ...

2020: limerick variations, the sixth line (poem)
2021: American satire, tweetstorm (poem) 
2022: numbers and counting, octane (poem)
2023: poets' corner, rhotic-poet school (poem)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... octane), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Apr 8, 2024): 

Olympic sport


April 7, 2024

APR 7, Olympic sport-- long jump

a) Reprise of material posted on April 7 in previous years ...

2020: poets' corner, gender-neutral language (poem)
2021: classic palindrome, lonely Tylenol (illustrated poem) 
2022: California excursion, Point Lobos (photo-collage)
2023: binomial phrases, here and there (poem)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... lonely Tylenol), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Apr 7, 2024): 

Olympic sport

track and field, long jump


April 6, 2024

APR 6, Olympic sport --- kayak racing

a) Reprise of material posted on April 6 in previous years ...

2020: etymology, lagoon (illustrated poem)
2021: amphibians, Giorgio's froglegs (illustrated poem) 
2022: waterfowl, more from Swan Lake (photo-collage)
2023: condo reno, demolition day #5 (photo-collage)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ...lagoon ), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Apr 6, 2024): 

Olympic sport

kayaking, singles


April 5, 2024

APR 5, Submitted Palindromes: RANDOM PILE #9

a) Reprise of material posted on April 5 in previous years ...

2020: non-sequitur, close quarters (poem) 
2021: trees, Leif, the Norway maple (illustrated bilingual poem) 
2022: excursion Ca, Pinnacles National Park (photo-collage)
2023: condo reno, pictures demolition, day #4 (photo-collage)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... close quarters), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Apr 5, 2024): 

 You can access more of this delightful entertainment by entering submitted palindromes in one of the two search bars at the top of this post and scrolling downwards through the wordplay posts that you will discover. 

April 4, 2024

APR 4, Olympic sport -- sport climbing

 a) Reprise of material posted on April 4 in previous years ...

2020: pandemic poetry, stay-at-home orders (illustrated poem)
2021: old world palindromes, #19 (wordplay) 
2022: California excursions, Monterey and Carmel (photo-collage)
2023: condo reno, pictures day #3 (photo-collage)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... pictures day #3), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Apr 4, 2024): 


 Olympic sport

sport climbing

April 3, 2024

APR 3, homophonous verse: self-indulgence

 a) Reprise of material posted on April 3 in previous years ...

2020: sister-cities anagrams, 10-12 (wordplay)
2021: waterfowl, wood ducks (illustrated poem) 
2022: birdlore (Berkeley), turkey on the roof (photo-collage)
2023: ambulatory verse, strut (poem)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... strut), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Apr 3, 2024): 


You can view our whole collection on this topic -- verses intentionally crafted with contentious repetition of the rhyming syllables --  in a wider context on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense". Check the post "Homophonous Verse" by clicking HERE

April 2, 2024

APR 2, Olympic sport -- weightlifting

  a) Reprise of material posted on April 2 in previous years ...

2020: magic palindromes, examples #16 - 20 (wordplay)
2021: Canadiana, Sorry! (apologetic poem) 
2022: California excursions, SF Bay wildlife (photo-collage)
2023: condo reno, pictures day #1 (photo-collage)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... Sorry!), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Apr 2, 2024): 

 Olympic sport


April 1, 2024

APR 1, defining opinion: hole #2

 a) Reprise of material posted on April 1 in previous years ...

2020: bottom line of medical humor, diarrhea (poem)
2021: reptiles, reptile fantasy (illustrated poem) 
2022: organic brain poetry, cerebral metastases (poem)
2023: lexicon of word-pairs, alliterative binomials, R (wordplay)

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... reptile fantasy), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Apr 1, 2024): 

Our blogposts "Defining Opinion" on the topic-based blog "Edifying Nonsense" show collections of similar verses submitted to OEDILF (the online Omnificent English Dictionary iLimerick Form). You can see all of these on one visit by clicking HERE, and then following the links.