March 16, 2024

MAR 16r, American satire: intelligence


a) reprise from February 2020

FEB 3, American satire: intelligence (Californians)

Authors' Note:  In the midst of the Trump-Russia investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller in February 2018, Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee issued the 'Nunes Memo', a four-page document that alleged that the FBI had conspired against President Donald Trump.
   Nunes has proceeded in the same vein in his later career, organizing the Republican Party’s role in the politically-charged 2019 House of Representatives Judiciary Committee’s impeachment hearings, as the Ranking Minority Member. 

 We hope that you enjoyed this verse. You can find 40 more on this topic in 5 collections on our full-service blog 'Edifying Nonsense'. Click HERE to start! 

b) Giorgio's lexicon of binomials (doublets)

March 14, 2024

MAR 14r, classic palindrome: no 'X' in Nixon

a) reprise from March 2020

MAR 14, classic palindrome: 'no X in Nixon'

Authors' Note: 

mike: short form for microphone, used more commonly for 'announcing', but sometimes used for 'denouncing' (condemning or attacking openly).

   Somehow, the misleading statement ‘No X in Nixon’ achieved the status of a famous palindrome. The astute analyst might realize that palindromes are inherently poor tools for orthography.

   On the other hand, here are three 'magical palindromes’ that provide correct spelling information:
No K in Nixon; no X in Nikon.
No C in iron; no R in icon.
No S in union. “No!”, in unison. 

You can review a collection of illustrated verses on this topic in a wider context by proceeding to 'Reversing Verse: Limericks About Classic Palindromes' on the full-service blog 'Edifying Nonsense'. 

b) Giorgio's lexicon of binomials (doublets)

March 13, 2024

MAR 13r, pandemic poetry: March sadness


a) reprise from March 2020: 

MAR 13, pandemic poetry: March Sadness

Authors' Note: Little enthusiasm among college basketball fans was invoked by substituting 'Mulch Madness' for the customary 'March Madness' televised marathon.

b) Giorgio's lexicon of binomials (doublets)

March 12, 2024

MAR 12, wordplay map: renamed US state capitals (western)

We presume that there are others out there who have found that the names of the US state capital cities are a chore to remember. So, here's a practical application of wordplay with anagrams!

We might eventually do the eastern US states, so stay tuned (but be patient).

links for any date: scroll over to the calendar-based listings of 'Past Posts' in the righthand column on this page, choose your year then your month of interest, and then select (by clicking) the post of your choice.

March 11, 2024

MAR 11, ambulatory verse: hop to it

You can review all our verses on this topic, accumulated for you on our companion blog "Edifying Nonsense", by clicking HERE.

Perhaps inflated unicorns don't get around by hopping,
but this one doesn't seem to gallop, either.

March 10, 2024

MAR 10, singable satire: decaffeinated version sung by The Ink Spots -- "REFLUX ROMP"


ORIGINAL SONG: "Java Jive", The Ink Spots, 1940. 
PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, January 2014, originally blog-posted January 10, 2014. Thanks to Steve McNie of Corktown Ukulele Jam / Toronto Ukes for providing chord charts and other help!

PARODY-SONGLINK: To find ukulele (and guitar) chord-charts to help you accompany "Reflux Romp" on your favorite instrument, click HERE.


(to the tune of "Java Jive")

Cope with Sanka, it's decaf
It cuts the acid burn down by half.
If you can't purge that Java-jive urge
Reflux, reflux, reflux, reflux, reflux.

Craving chilies cheery hot ?
Doc's got them jotted in the "ought not" slot!
Lesson you'll note in the back of your throat
Reflux, reflux, reflux, reflux, reflux.

I love wine while dining fine
Wait! a late dinner-date at eight or nine!
When I recline and that wine is supine
Reflux, reflux, reflux, reflux, reflux.

So hoist up the head of the stead of that bed
We'll slide out she said, bet we'll sled 'til we're dead.
A dose of Zantac whacks the acid.  Flaccid!
Function, function, G-E junction *.

Cope with Sanka, it's decaf
It cuts regurgitation down by half
If you can't purge that Java-jive urge
Reflux, reflux, reflux, reflux, reflux.

Coffee urn!   Gas burn!
Acid burn!  Can't learn.
You know I've no control, sell my soul
To spurn prohibitions to caffeine. 

Your tongue may be furred from refractory GERD *
Your breath, in a word can deter a whole herd.
Confer with surgeon - a well-trained one, famed one!
Sphincter sloppy, lap'roscopy!

Cope with Sanka, it's decaf
It cuts the acid burn down by half.
If you can't purge that Java-jive urge
Reflux, reflux, reflux, reflux, reflux !

Readers might want to review our lengthy (20-line) poem that explains the GE (gastro-esophageal junction) and GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease); click HERE

March 9, 2024

MAR 9r, trees: hearts-of-palm


a) reprise from March 2020

MAR 9, trees: hearts of palm

You can review these illustrated verses in a wider context by proceeding to 'Uprooted Verse: 'Poems about Trees' on the full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense".

b) Giorgio's lexicon of binomials (doublets) 

March 7, 2024

MAR 7, homophonous verse: deserving/commendable

Authors' Note: 

syl: jargon used in the doggerel trade; a short form of syllable

Although the adjective deserving has come euphemistically to be applied to the needy, it classically was applied only to people or things that were commendable or admirable

You can view our whole collection on this topic -- verses intentionally crafted with contentious repetition of the rhyming syllables --  in a wider context on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense". Check the post "Homophonous Verse" by clicking HERE

March 6, 2024

MAR 6r, geysers: Geysir, Iceland


a) reprise from March 2020

MAR 11, geysers: Geysir, Iceland

b) Giorgio's lexicon of binomials (doublets)


March 5, 2024

MAR 5, poetic non-sequitur: autophagia

Authors' Note:

 -some (SOHM, sometimes ZOHM): Greek suffix for an 
intracellular body, or organelle, e.g. chromosome or lysosome
-phagia, or -phagy: Greek suffix for eating, or consumption
lysis: term of Greek origin for destruction or disintegration
lysosome: cellular organelle adapted to the destruction of extracellular material which has been internalized
autophagosome: membranous organelle that entraps targeted intracellular components, later merging with lysosomes for degradation and recycling of these components; their role in cell defence and in disease causation is under investigation

 And, HERE's a verse about autophagia explaining use of the term to describe a rare and gruesome phenomenon. 

Our collection of 'Non-Sequiturs' on our parent blog "Edifying Nonsense", contains an admittedly bizarre assortment of nonsensical odds-and-ends, that don't quite fit into other topic-based offerings. But should you want to review the entire collection, click HERE.

March 4, 2024

MAR 4r, magical palindromes, examples #11-15

a) reprise from March 2020 

You can become an expert fan of our wordplay concoction 'magical palindromes' by reviewing the explanatory material found in ancient days on our full-service blog "Edifying Nonsense", HERE.
If you are still interested, you could check how we applied this technique to 'canal palindromes' by viewing this more recent post.

b) incidental photo-adventure (misc):  

rainy-day excursion
trip to a charming rural church for a chamber-music concert

March 3, 2024

MAR 3r, Carolina lowcountry: sunset excursion


a) reprise from March 2020:

MAR 3, Carolina lowcountry: sunset excursion

photo; bridges; sunset; Mt. Pleasant; South Carolina; Giorgio ConiglioAmerican white ibis; sunset; Mt. Pleasant; South Carolina; Giorgio Coniglio

sunset; fishing trawlers; kayaks; Mt. Pleasant; South Carolina; Giorgio Coniglio

sunset; bridge; Mt. Pleasant; South Carolina; Giorgio Coniglio

b) incidental photo (misc)


"Boy and Bird"

March 2, 2024

MAR 2r, exotic destination: Labelle, Florida


a) reprise from March, 2020

MAR 2, exotic destination: LaBelle, Florida (swamp-cabbage festival)

photo courtesy of Uncommon Solutions
Florida; armadillos; travel destinations

Other verses about 'Exotic Travel Destinations' can be found on our blog 'Edifying Nonsense'.                                               Click HERE.

 b) current birdie-pic

a flap at the Ibis Hotel