December 20, 2024

DEC 20, singable satire: Shania Twain sings "VERSE"

a) Review of material posted on December 20 in previous years ...

2020: singable satire, Reduplications A to K (parody lyrics)  
2021: singable satire, Clothing-Moth Hat-Dance (parody lyrics)
2022: singable satire, Kooky Presidential Views (parody lyrics)
2023: singable satire, Nifty Ways to Leave your Mukluks (parody lyrics

To access the details of any item in slide format, type its title, as displayed above in red font (e.g. ... Kooky Presidential Views), into one of the two search bars at the the top of your blog-page. Underneath the slide(s) for each entertaining delight that you discover, you will find a clickable link that lets you easily explore a more widespread collection of wonderments (verse, photos, wordplay, song-lyrics etc.) on the topic of your choice. 

b) Today's Offering (Dec 20, 2024):  

ORIGINAL SONG: "Up! is the lead song in the eponymous album recorded by Shania Twain in 2002. The song, in a light country/western format, is notable for its use of a limerick-like rhyme, AABBA, in its five-line verses. As the scansion of "Up!" doesn't quite fit with the anapestic (x-x-X) triple-rhythm of limericks, some changes were required to modify the traditional limerick stories recounted in this parody.
PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, January 2018. 
SONGLINK:  The verses of this song demonstrate the possibility of using novel song melodies to sing the lyrics of classic limericks. 


(to the tune of "Up!" by Shania Twain)

| I'm hooked on verse| x4

Seems things have gone from bad to worse:
Can't be effusive, must be terse, 
I found an online limerick site,
That would accept my poems alright,
And now I'm hooked on 5-line verse. 

Spend all my time in writing 'lim's.
Don't socialize with hers or hims. 
My brainscan shows a funny bulge  
Where I store and I indulge
All my versifying whims.

Limn, limn, limn -  
A verb for 'suffuse with light'.
Lim, lim- 
Great poem if your scansion's right 
Lim, lim'rick - 
A lulu, it's out of sight. 

Out on Nantucket lived a man;
Kept all his cash hid close at hand, 
Until the day when Nan his daughter
She eloped, she shouldn't oughter,
Then she ran off with his can. 

A flee and fly inside a flue
They didn't know just what to do.
The flea opined that they should fly
The fly declined, I don't know why;
They couldn't find the flaw, can you? 

A lady traveler named Miss Bright
On trips made time faster than light.
One day with relatives (poor lass)
Converted energy to mass,
Then she returned the previous night. 

Limn, limn, limn -  
A verb for 'suffuse with light'.
Lim, lim -   
Great poem if your scansion's right 
Lim, lim'rick  - 
A lulu, it's out of sight.

... yeah  

On limerick verse here is my slant:
No question if you should or shan't. 
If you just take aim and edit
And don't rant; that's to your credit
Once you shoot, you can't recant.

So, I'm addicted: writing lims.
Don't socialize with hers or hims.
My brainscan shows a funny bulge  
Where I store and I indulge
All my versifying whims.

I'm hooked on verse;
On 5-line verse;
| I'm hooked on verse| x2


Yeah ! 

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