June 11, 2024

JUN 11r, birdlore: toucans


a) reprise from June 2020

JUN 11, birdlore: toucans

Authors' Note:   This is a true story. I very recently received from friends vacationing in Costa Rica an e-mail with a marvellous attached video closeup of toucans shot with a cellphone camera. I felt compelled to pass the photo on to others.

  In fact, no toucans make a sound that would be described as a 'tweet'. With respect to sound production, members of the more than forty species comprising the family are divided into 'yelpers' and 'croakers'. The social networking entity, Twitter, on the other hand, highlights in words and with their logo the tweetiness of short, chirping birdsong communication.

b) current wanderings: travels to Vancouver Island, June 2024

Check out tomorrow's blog-post to see what we did when we got there.

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