Editors' Note: This blogpost was originally displayed on January 10th of 2025, on the day it's newsworthy relevance was established. To avoid verbal sprawl, consistent with the termination of new postings on this site, its date of release was backed up to December 31, 2024.
Palindromes for the day ....
Please see the post of January 16, 2023 for further detail.
* We tried some variants, but none were highly successful.
e.g., No lefts, apt past felon!
Retract felon? No! Left Carter.
But, here's a quickly conceived poetic offering ...
Authors' Note: In Canada, a longstanding rule decrees that a candidate for entry (as visitor or immigrant) is "inadmissible" if they have a criminal record elsewhere. Over 30 other countries have such rules, although generally less harsh and better specified (dependent on length of incarceration, etc.). The European Union ('Schengen-countries') will activate new regulations in mid-2025, likely more severe than previous versions. The government of Italy undertakes policing functions for the small, enclosed, but otherwise independent Vatican City.
Incidentally, the current US President, Joe Biden, had been scheduled to visit Pope Francis in Rome on January 11th to present him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The visit was postponed due to the California wildfires.
Collected poems in the series "Stand on Guard" can be viewed HERE.