PARODY COMPOSED: Dr.G.H. and Giorgio Coniglio, December 2015.
PARODY-SONGLINK: To access ukulele chord-charts to help you accompany "Mel and His Hernia" on your favorite instrument, click HERE.
BONUS POEM, joining the disparate topics of hernia and gender-neutral language (see below!)
(to the tune of "Me and My Shadow")
Me with my hernia
Shuffling down the promenade
It's disconcerting;
Perhaps that's why for months I haven't played.
It's always in my pants --
Lopsided bulge.
But chicks who check
Don't want to indulge.
For me and my hernia
Time has come to part our ways.
Mel's Friend:
Mel and his hernia
Huffing down the avenue; ("Hey, Mel!")
Fellas discern 'cause
It's so displaced, it's not quite out of view.
"What sets things right?
You're so uptight.
NOT 'hysterectomy'."
"So, go have your surgery.
Soon, before that thing turns blue."
FOLLOW-UP: You can access our brief poem (10 lines) about gender-neutral language that focuses on the medical term "hernia" by clicking HERE.
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