ORIGINAL SONG: "O Canada", R.S. Weir 1908.
January 16, 2015. The Wall Street Journal reviewed recent market and financial news from Canada under the title, “The Maple Leaf Faces a Harsh Fall”.
(to the tune of "O Canada")

O Canada!
Thy loonie lately tanked,
Quarterly gains scaled downward for thy banks.
With growing doubt, we just point out
The world-wide glut of oil;
Arctic tundra
And shale-sands now stand on thawed less-frozen soil.
Target aimed wide, Burger King’s keen;
God! you can keep your doughnuts and poutine.
God! you can keep your doughnuts and poutine.

O Canada!
We’d best get with the times.
We still sing ‘thee’ in all our anthem’s rhymes. We’d best get with the times.
Some decades late, we’ll say 'Inuit'
Replacing 'Eskimo'.
Automotive Sector
Now is found in northern Mexico.
Last century ‘belonged to us’ – don’t mock!
Bring back the Avro Arrow and the auk!

O Canada!
We’ve problems with high-tech:
Dimmed hopes at RIM, and layoffs in Quebec.
If Bombardier can’t sell Learjets, how
Compete with Groupe Airbus?
Reports of sales of patents
RIM’s investors dare not trust.
God, please ignore Journal’s prophecy -
Bless the exchange rate for our currency,

* TSE = Toronto Stock Exchange
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